How to Hire The Right Salesperson

How can you ensure that you’re hiring the right people to join your sales team? Many sales leaders have been asking me how to hire new sales reps and build a profitable team. I often suggest taking a step back before conducting interviews and hiring a new team member. There are a few things you need to do before you proceed with interviews in order to ensure that you hire the right person and create the best team possible.

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Sellers That Lie

What's up with the recent increase in dishonest sellers this year? Seriously, how can anyone actually think beginning a relationship with dishonesty is going to pay off in the end? It boggles my mind!

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Promoting a Seller Does Not Make a Leader

I talk often about a new performance-management culture taking hold in today’s B2All marketplace. To meet that challenge, not only must selling skills change, leadership skills must evolve too. Your sales manager’s number-one job now is to teach and refine the skills of sellers to help them hit their peak and stay there. So, what’s the best way to make that happen: by simply turning your existing top sellers into leaders? Not so fast! 

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Sales and Business Lessons from Mykonos (Part 2)

Thinking back to my post on Monday, another lesson we can learn from Mykonos is the value of adding value. Adding value, especially when it is not expected, creates a lasting impression in your customers minds and keeps them coming back. Even more, it converts your customers into evangelists bringing you more customers at little advertising costs. For example:

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Do This Before Setting Sales Goals

We are now in the second quarter of the year! Didn't we just ring in the new year? By now, either you're making steady progress towards your sales goals for 2017, or you may have already forgotten about the goals you set. Whether you're behind, ahead or whether reading these words is serving as a reminder to actually set important goals, there is a fundamental mistake that salespeople make when setting and working towards their objectives. What's the mistake you ask?

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Customer Experiences in Japan: Right On The Money

Chris and I are working on an interesting project helping a client provide transformation technology to the hospitality industry. We recently spent a week in Japan, a country known for their hospitality. Our week abroad has provided us insights about where North American businesses can improve their customer experiences. Here are my top 3 tips for you:

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How to Create Consistent Sales Results

Is your business experiencing wild swings in revenue? This may surprise you, but putting too much emphasis on closing business is actually counterproductive to increasing your revenues. What?! Let me explain. Every time you close a sale you should be adding three to four more leads to your pipeline. When you’re concentrating too much on closing business it detracts focus from gaining new leads. Before long, you will have no new leads to close business with, and this is what causes swings in revenue or sales I like to call it! Don't worry, dear sellers, there are ways to avoid this. Are you wondering how you can attain consistent sales?

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How to Find Top Talent For Your Organization

Get creative. That's my advice for any business owner or sales leader about to embark on a new phase of recruiting. Far too many leaders stick to the same old, same old when it comes to their recruitment process and trying to find great talent to join their team. It's surprising to see how many organizations stick with ads in the paper, online postings and even using the same recruiters they've used in the past. They don't switch things up! The result? The same tired and boring resumes that keeping flocking in. Sure - you may find a great hire in that pile of resumes. But, generally speaking, if you want to find a "stand out" candidate, don't use a worn out process to try and attract them. Here's how you can add a little creativity to your hiring process:

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The Best Commission You Can Provide

When professionals in virtually every industry think about "compensation" - especially when it comes to structuring compensation plans, rarely is anything but a dollar sign considered. Yet, there's another powerful way to provide commissions to your sales team, and you're likely overlooking it or underestimating its power and value.

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