A space ship flying over a growing bar graph to signify growth through generosity

The Power of a Fresh Start

This time of year has a certain appeal to it. I think all of us, to varying degrees, recognize the power of a fresh start at the beginning of each January.

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Hire Right – Fire Fast!

Stop hanging on to poor sales performers! It's becoming increasingly apparent to me that sales leaders hesitate far too much when it comes to getting rid of their dead weight. In fact, this is a common element I come across in many dysfunctional sales teams I observe. Wondering if, perhaps, this is something you might be guilty of yourself?

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Steps to Take Now for Your Next Quarter | Sales Strategies

As we’re rounding out any month, quarter, or year—depending on how your fiscal year is created—I always like salespeople to think about accelerating their sales in the next period. The easiest way to start this process is by looking at your current sales velocity. 


Your December To-Do List | Sales Strategies

As we approach the last few weeks of the year, salespeople often find themselves either coasting into the new year because they have accomplished their sales goals, or they find themselves pushing hard because they have struggled to reach their sales targets.


How to Coach the Un-Coachable | Sales Strategies

I’ve recently been involved in a pilot coaching project with a large organization where we are teaching their sales managers how to coach. These sales managers have been incredibly effective with their coaching and getting their teams to accelerate results. 

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