Business person calculating prices.

When Prices Go Up, Sellers Get Down to Business

As the post-pandemic landscape continues to reveal itself in today’s marketplace, price increases are a defining characteristic…and a pain point for many of us. In some markets, these increases are incremental bump-ups. But in others, the spikes are meteoric, due in large part to ongoing complications in the global supply chain.

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Business people renegotiating.

They Want to Renegotiate…Now What? (Part 2 of 3)

It can feel like a big, scary problem when your customer starts demanding you renegotiate terms and prices on an existing agreement you have with them. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. As a sales leader, there are steps you must take to ensure you remain in the driver’s seat in challenging situations like this—no matter what.

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Are Your Value Statements Stale? | Sales Strategies

Are you sharing the same messages today that you were sharing a year ago with your clients? Are you approaching them with the same value propositions, teaching them the same things, or providing them with the same insights today as you were a year ago?

Mastering Value-Based Selling: Personal vs. Operational

Mastering Value-Based Selling: Personal vs. Operational

All value-based selling—when done effectively—is about correctly defining the benefits of your product or service based on what matters to your customer. As I like to regularly remind sellers and leaders: the only value that matters is what matters to the client. The better you are at defining this, the better you become at building a broad array of connections that improve your closing ratio.

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Value-Based Selling: Tangible vs. Intangible

Value-Based Selling: Tangible vs. Intangible

Creating and maintaining a high-growth, high-profit business in your marketplace—one where sellers, leaders, and customers all thrive—is essential. That’s why, for many years, I’ve advocated putting value-based selling at the centre of your work.

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