Don’t Confuse Sales Coaching for Status Updates | Sales Strategies
Sitting in on sales coaching calls is one of the most thrilling aspects of my work. This is because I get to see in real-time what really informs the organization.
WatchSitting in on sales coaching calls is one of the most thrilling aspects of my work. This is because I get to see in real-time what really informs the organization.
WatchHave you ever thought of debriefing your sales calls—the good, bad, or mediocre ones? It’s a great practice to get into.
WatchCold calling can be tough for salespeople to master. The rejection, the awkwardness, and the flat out rudeness turn many people off from truly trying to create success with their sales calls. However, if you follow a few steps, you’ll be sure to get the most out of your calls and maximize your chances for success. Here are 6 simple steps you should consider taking note of:
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