Five Places You Need To Be

Have you ever wondered why the most skilled salesperson on your team or in your organization isn't always the one who finishes the year with the best results? It’s true; your ability to sell often dictates how much you will end up selling. However, there are other variables to consider. One of the most important elements involved in greater sales results is where you place yourself. You can reach a certain audience behind your desk with a phone in your hand, but you will often be met with similar results week after week, month after month, and year after year. Stationing yourself in one place severely reduces your chance of achieving any type of scalability with your sales results. ← Click To Tweet Because of this, you are required to give some thought to creating and reinforcing what can be called a “sense of place.” To ensure that you are reaching a larger audience and increasing the number of prospects in your pipeline, here are five places you need to be:

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What Your Prospects Are Looking For

Have you noticed the number of personable business owners who can’t manage to get their sales results to a level that they are happy with? They understand their industry and are likable as well, yet their prospects always seem to brush them aside for their competitors. Does this sound familiar? Many salespeople today seem to believe that the influx of new communication technologies that have arrived over the past 5-10 years are insignificant and meaningless to their selling. Nothing could be further from the truth. Too many salespeople still rely on their smile, firm handshake or charm to get them more sales. Chances are, they aren’t happy with their results.

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