Finger about to press "backup" button.

What’s Your Client Backup Plan?

You cannot grow your business with a particular client if you're relying on a singular point of information. Growth comes from not only the quality of contacts, but also your quantity of contacts in a particular organization.

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Hand holding pen crossing out "Un" in "unprepared."

There is No Excuse For This…

When it comes to objections, there is no reason you should be unprepared to handle them. Think about it, there are generally only a few objections that you're going to hear:

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Salesman wearing superhero cape.

Make More Sales by…Being Healthy?

Sure, you've probably read numerous articles online dedicated to helping you make more sales. You've probably seen just as many videos dedicated to being healthy. Rarely though, are the two concepts ever fused. Yet, paying attention to your health and well-being is one of the most important habits you can instil to maximize your results.

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Silver balls balancing.

Top Sellers Treat Prospects Like This…

How much attention are you paying to the way your sales team is engaging with their buyers? Why, you ask? Well, there's a big difference between the way mediocre or poor performers interact with their buyers compared to how top performers do. Average salespeople view and regard their prospects as one of two things: 1. superior to them or 2. inferior to them. Let me explain.

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