If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It!

Successful salespeople have an unmatched drive to be successful. Chances are, if you are seeing any type of results or success, you have an incredible work ethic and have learned to move forward even in the face of rejection. However, can your motivation and drive ever become unhealthy or detrimental to your success? It is absolutely a fine line, and many salespeople aren’t able to tell which side of the line they’re on. All too often, I see salespeople who will try to force a sale on a prospect who doesn’t need their services. They simply aren’t prepared to walk away even if they aren’t a right fit for the client. They allow their desire to close the deal cloud their judgment.

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For The Love of Sales

What puts a smile on your face and reminds you of how much you enjoy the field you’re in? For me, it’s reassurance from my readers and clients. The feeling you get when you realize you’re making an impact on people is indescribable. Here’s a quick message I received in regards to a meeting request: “Yes, let’s meet face to face for sure!  I might even ask for your autograph since, with how much I watch your amazing videos – you’re kinda like a sales training celebrity/hero to me” Receiving messages like this is nothing short of an honor. When you’re doing what you love, and sharing it with the masses, receiving positive reinforcement (even when you don’t request any) is inevitable. ← Click To Tweet

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