Take the Sales Quiz! (But not this week)

Instead of taking the sales quiz this week, kick of the year with our new intensive 7-Day Intensive Video eCourse. It’s new with seven intense daily 5-minute video programs. It’s no cost and you can both watch the 5 minutes videos and download the transcripts, making the strategies easier to implement in your own business!

Tips to Stay Motivated

Working hard to stay positive? Then you need to minimize the effect Life Suckers have on your life.

The Power of Referrals

In order to help your team get past their fear and ego, I suggest focusing on referrals as a sales strategy. Have a referral blitz, a referral campaign or a referral contest. Motivate your team to get referrals through healthy competition, prizes and financial incentives, or just accolades for having the most referrals in the business. Make referrals an important piece of your sales plan and incentivize and reward your team to get them by ensuring that you’re rewarding them accordingly.

Welcome to the New Normal!

There is a new normal in sales, and to be successful, we must know that exactly that is. The old way was cold calls and calling 25 people a day. Now, it is more important to have quality contacts, and 1:1 conversations. Relationships are key! Clients find us now more than they used to. So, businesses must ensure that they have a credible, professional presence.

Discipline! Discipline! Discipline!

It’s the start of a new month. Your numbers are back at zero and you need to refocus on getting the job done. What does it take? The hardest of all human behaviors.

Rid yourself of sales trash

Rid yourself of sales trash. Are you selling the way you were five years ago? Chances are good your results aren’t what they once were. Find out what’s not working for you and kick that sales trash to the curb! Here are five common issues I’m seeing when coaching clients.

Yes Virginia, there is such a thing as a stupid question

Despite what you may have been taught in the past, there IS such thing as a dumb or a stupid question in sales. I hear them all the time – both by the sales people that call me, AND while listening to the sales calls sent to me by clients. Occasionally in training workshops too. And it never ceases to amaze me that with all the great questions to chose from, why some sales people chose to alienate, disengage or confuse their prospects by setting the wrong tone with their questions

Best VORTEX ideas from the field

Last week I was on site rolling out our Retention and Growth Formula (TM) for a large sales convention. We brook the group into 8 teams and gave them an hour after the session to create their own VORTEX retention plan. Here are some of the best ideas form the presentations:

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