What Sellers Can Learn from Japan | Sales Strategies

I recently got back from a vacation in Japan and from that experience, I started to think about why I love going there in the first place. What draws me there? What sales lessons can we learn?

I determined that there are two things that they do in Japan that make me want to constantly go back.

First, they are incredibly easy to work with and buy services from. What do I mean by this? Many tourists, including myself, don’t speak Japanese. The businesses in Japan are aware of this as most restaurants had either English menus or imagery of the food to make our selections easy to understand. We always felt comfortable eating out because it was easy to engage with the businesses.

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The other thing that Japan does exceptionally well is they make you feel appreciated. Chris and I were eating at a very tiny restaurant on our last night and as we were leaving the restaurant, the chef ran out onto the street and thanked us for being there. He didn’t speak any English, but we knew what he was doing with his deep bows and the words he was using. Every single restaurant, hotel and store we went to made us feel appreciated when we walked in the door. We were thanked profusely for spending money with them.

What are you doing to show appreciation to your customers? Customers leave when they feel like they’ve been taken for granted. They don’t come back or buy more.

Do these two things in your business to draw customers to you more often. Make it easy to do business with you and show massive appreciation.

One response to “What Sellers Can Learn from Japan | Sales Strategies

  1. Many thanks Colleen for a great post/video via @topsalesworld enjoyed it very much.
    Best regards

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