How to Really Connect with Prospects

You could be the world’s greatest salesperson selling the world’s best product, but if you can’t connect with your prospects, will your sales results reflect your expertise? If you can’t open a dialogue with prospective buyers, it becomes very difficult to sell a product or service!

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How to Overcome Price Objections

It's one of the questions I receive the most can a salesperson overcome those dreaded pricing objections? It's interesting that this comes up so often, because it seems to me that more often than not, most salespeople are looking at pricing objections from the wrong perspective. In fact, these common objections often have nothing at all to do with price! Let me explain.

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Fire These Clients…Now!

Not all clients are created equal. Nor should you be compelled to treat them equally. There’s no law stating you must sell to everyone, or keep servicing clients that are the wrong fit for your business. It’s as fair to say that your business has outgrown some types of customers as it is to say that you have some customers that you should have never brought on in the first place. You know who they are!

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What Full Employment Means to You | Sales Strategies

I think it's fair to say that our buyers are busier than ever before because we're in a virtual employment situation. In fact, studies are showing that this is the first time in our lifetime that we've had more job openings than people looking for work.


Grow Your Sales by Leaving Your Office

You’ve probably achieved a degree of success by doing the right things from the comfort of your office. If you’re taking the right steps directly from your office, well done! The good news is, if you’re maximizing your efficiency during your work hours in the office, you can expect to achieve great sales results! The better news? You can actually achieve even greater success by periodically stepping outside the boundaries of your office.

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Do Your Clients Find You Interesting?

It goes without saying, but the more interesting you are, the more clients and prospects will want to engage with you. To be clear, being interesting doesn’t simply mean having the best stories on a Monday morning after a busy weekend. And, don't think you need to start jumping out of airplanes or start setting world records either.

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3 Steps to Boosting Your Sales Team’s Confidence

Want to know two things that never go together when it comes to salespeople? Low confidence and high sales results. Seriously, have you ever seen a sales rep who sulks in the corner all day, talks about how tough it is to make sales, lacks overall self-esteem but simultaneously still manages to be the top performer in the company? Suffice to say that's a rhetorical question. It simply doesn't happen. Methods and strategies are great, but are you focusing enough on your sales team's confidence level?

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