Never Let Your Pipeline Run Dry

Never Let Your Pipeline Run Dry

These days, my clients are concerned about two significant barriers holding them back from hitting their sales targets. You’re likely facing these as well.

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Pipeline or Pipe Dream?

You may be surprised to learn that many salespeople and business professionals spend less than one hour a month prospecting for new business. One thing you must always keep in mind is that there is no sales problem that good prospecting skills can’t solve. Unless you’re rude or have a bad attitude (in which case you shouldn’t be in sales!), nurturing your pipeline consistently will lead you to sales success. I frequently coach sales reps who know exactly what to say, when to say it, and have terrific, well-priced products and services...but they still don’t sell. Why? Because they have no prospects waiting in their sales funnel! Simply put, if you have no prospects, you can’t make sales. <-- Click To Tweet To ensure that you are creating a steady stream of new business opportunities, here are a few tips that can help your prospecting and pipeline building efforts:

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How A Different Definition Can Reap Big Benefits

You may find it interesting that our top sales performers we work with here at Engage Selling Solutions all look at closing a deal in an unconventional way. Where many people tend to consider a deal closed when a signature is quickly jotted at the end of a contract, top performers only consider a deal closed when the client is using the product and is fully enabled. ← Click To Tweet Once you start looking at closing in this new light, it begins to reap a wide array of benefits.

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