Your Buyer Needs to be Part of the Solution | Sales Strategies

Your buyers want to co-create the solution to their problem with you and be part of the solution process as opposed to being told what to do.

This requires a high degree of creativity from you as a seller as well as patience because many of you think that you know what’s best for the prospect and you have all this information that you want to unleash on the buyer. However, that’s not going to close sales.

[bctt tweet=”What’s going on in the minds of your buyers when it comes to your sales solutions?” username=”EngageColleen”]

Having the prospect or the buyer co-create the solution with you is also a way to reduce labor intensity, which we’ve talked about for a while now. It helps ensure that you make a proposal that’s accepted by the prospect. You have their input, they feel that they’ve created the proposal with you, and it’s harder for them to say no since their footprint is all over it.

How do you do this? Start by asking leading questions during the sales process. We ask up front, “Have you seen anything that you think is going to meet your needs?” We ask them, “What do you think the perfect solution to this looks likes?” Then we can ask more specific questions such as, “What do you think of this specific solution?”, in order to narrow down the solution and get them to create it with you.

Co-create the solution and get used to asking questions that might get you out of your comfort zone because they might take the prospect in a different direction than you want. However, it will ultimately help you close more deals and close them more quickly.

P.S. Are you a speaker, trainer, consultant or small business owner? Don’t miss my upcoming limited-attendance event on creating never-ending value client relationships, presented along with Alan Weiss in Miami Beach! Learn more at:

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