Who’s Your Coach?

Recently I started running again after a back injury and it has been tough. So I took a lesson from business and set a goal to get me motivated. A 10km race at the end of October! Setting that goal meant I had to do one thing. Take action. I could no longer just sit on the couch hoping to get back into shape. I had to strap on the shoes, charge my watch and hit the pavement. The first few days were less than perfect. It hurt. I hated it. I was out of breath within a few minutes. Quickly though, I started to feel the improvement and soon was back piling on the distance and even a bit of speed. Sure I have to take it slow but if I did nothing at all, I would continue to accomplish nothing. Same as your sales business. Next week I head into to the gym under the grueling but loving eye of my trainer Allan Alguire of End Result Fitness. Wish me luck!Relaxing After the Work-Out (with my friend)

One thing I know is that getting ahead of my personal, and business goals, requires help which is why I use Allan for fitness, Lisa for our new product, Dan Kennedy for marketing and Ali Brown for business. Yes, I have 4 coaches, and I work hard to implement every idea they relate that is relevant to my goals. Thanks so much for being part of the Engage Community and spending time with me as your sales coach.

Welcome to the many new members who have joined us this month! It’s such an honour to be working with a terrific group of top performers and I love to hear your success stories. Recently I met with a client who revealed to me that their business has grown 300% since we started working together – even in this economy! I know it’s because they are not afraid to implement new ideas and measure the results. And that is what I would encourage you to do each time you read this newsletter, your Lead-Up lessons, or participate in a tele-seminar or web class. I learned long ago that it’s not only access to the best information and ideas that is the key to success… its implementation! Simply put, if you want to get ahead, you have to do something different. Take action now!

P. S. Don’t forget to share your sales horror story with us and read about my new book Honesty Sells at www.HonestySells.com!

P.S.S. It’s not too late to take advantage of the early bird pricing for our Sales Mastery Workshop, November 19-21 in Chicago. Go to www.engageselling.com/mastery to read more…

One response to “Who’s Your Coach?

  1. Nice posting Colleen and having a “team” behind you is vital.

    And after all, who coaches the coach?

    It doesn’t matter how good you are or what you do you need back up.

    Mine are Tony Robbins for the mind, Jay Abraham for the business and I’ve also got a buddy who checks in with me to make sure I follow through!

    The Sales Jedi

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