What we have is a failure to execute

I have always been a fan of Air Canada. As an elite flier they treat us well. Yes… I know I buck the trend compared to many Canadians, but I really do prefer to fly Air Canada rather than any other North American carrier. And no, I’m not just fishing for a complimentary super elite upgrade… 😉

So, I was really happy to see their new service. “We damage or wreck your bag. We will replace it or fix it”

Great idea! Poorly executed. Last week it became obvious that they outsource the replacement service and don’t monitor the outsourcer very carefully.  My friend Steve’s bag was replaced by Air Canada with….

Yep – the replacement suitcase Air Canada sent him was branded with their biggest competitor West Jet!

When you outsource any part of your sales process set clear guidelines and procedures. Monitor, Measure and follow up. Just because you outsource does not mean you can’t manage.

Dedicated to increasing your sales, (and save you from rewarding the competition!)



One response to “What we have is a failure to execute

  1. What you say is so true, Colleen: when you hire a service provider to be part of your sales process, be ENGAGED! Otherwise, don’t bother; you’re wasting your money. At Greenfield we help B2B firms generate and nurture sales leads, and when a client is not communicating with us almost daily, that’s a red flag. The clients who monitor what we do, measure our results and provide us ongoing feedback are the ones who are most successful at closing the leads we generate for them. Great blog, Colleen!

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