Value-Based Selling: Tangible vs. Intangible

Value-Based Selling: Tangible vs. Intangible

Creating and maintaining a high-growth, high-profit business in your marketplace—one where sellers, leaders, and customers all thrive—is essential. That’s why, for many years, I’ve advocated putting value-based selling at the centre of your work.

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Do You Know Why You’re Good? | Sales Tips

My business mentor and good friend, Alan Weiss and I can agree on one thing. It doesn’t matter that you know your good, it matters that you know why you are good in the first place. Top sales people and sales managers don’t look at this closely enough. I believe that you only get better by building on your strengths and in order to be successful this year, you should understand what those strengths are. One of the hardest things that we can do as sales leaders is become conscious of what the top sales performers do subconsciously. Many top sales people will say, "I don’t know, I just go out there and win the deal." Well, we need to become conscious of all of those steps that either we do along the way as top sales performers and managers. So ask yourself, or your top sales reps these questions:


2 Ways to Make Your Best Sellers Even Better!

You have a few top performers on your sales team. That means they don't need to be coached, right? Wrong. Your top producing salespeople need to be coached just as much as your mid or bottom performing reps. In fact, it may be a wise decision to start coaching them even more! Why? Because by coaching your best reps, developing them further and encouraging them to raise their own bar, you better your chances of moving your sales results forward.

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