Finger about to press "backup" button.

What’s Your Client Backup Plan?

You cannot grow your business with a particular client if you're relying on a singular point of information. Growth comes from not only the quality of contacts, but also your quantity of contacts in a particular organization.

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Salesperson pushing large rock up a mountain.

Are You Pushing Too Hard?

Are you pushing the sale too hard with your prospects and clients? Look, we all know sales is about persistence. Sometimes though, sellers don't know when to slow down on that persistence and actually repel the client away.

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Salesman wearing superhero cape.

Make More Sales by…Being Healthy?

Sure, you've probably read numerous articles online dedicated to helping you make more sales. You've probably seen just as many videos dedicated to being healthy. Rarely though, are the two concepts ever fused. Yet, paying attention to your health and well-being is one of the most important habits you can instil to maximize your results.

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One red person standing out amongst the crowd.

One Bad Apple Does NOT Spoil the Bunch

A bad apple spoils the bunch? Not so fast. I often hear one of these familiar whines: "Colleen, it's different around here..." "Colleen, what you need to know about our market is..." "Colleen, it's unique here..."

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