Some thoughts as you are planning for a great 2010

Happy New Year!

In 2010 your sales objective is to help your prospect make an informed purchasing decision (or not) based on the knowledge you bring to the table – as many times as possible!. Most successful sales people are advocates for their prospects, doing what is in the client’s best interest. This typically evolves into a meaningful relationship based on mutual trust confidence and understanding. Those that rise to the top in the sales profession also tend to have a high belief in themselves. How is your belief in self? Do you experience self-doubt to the point you have trouble dialing that cold call, or making that initial visit to your prospect’s office?

 This is more common in sales than you think, not just for those new to the business, it can affect experienced sales people who have fallen into the infamous “rut”. How you think and how you see your self causes this “affliction”.  How you see yourself  in your minds eye determines your belief in yourself. The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful. Research by psychologists Dr. Henry Murray, Dr. David McClelland, and Dr. Clayton Lafferty has determined our actions are a result of what we think. The biggest challenge is to recognize when you are not thinking positively about your capabilities and then be able to quickly change course. As you are planning for 2010 here are some tips you can use. Spend some time today documenting your responses to each question. I suggest doing this before you set any ig plans for the year. Keep these questions handy at all times and when you are beginning to feel self doubt creep in, review the questions and the answers to build your confidence: 

1. Remind yourself of your 2009 successes

2. Focus on your current strengths and future potential

3. Visualize yourself being successful several times a day

4. Set and achieve realistic goals (start small), then stretch them

5. Celebrate successes along the way  – everyday

In the classic book THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill, he makes the case it is scientifically impossible to conceive an idea in your mind, to believe you can do it, and then not be able to. The fact we can conceive something in our mind and believe we can do it, means we can.  Don’t be finished before you start. Your sales mindset needs to be the “hidden partner” that allows you to not only succeed in sales, but to thrive.

Dedicated to helping you have the best 2010 ever!


3 responses to “Some thoughts as you are planning for a great 2010

  1. Tweets that mention Some thoughts as you are planning for a great 2010 | Sell More, Work Less and Make More Money by Colleen Francis -- says:

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