Quick Fix #9: Empathy, compassion – and sales

It’s the last in our series of quick sales fixes so finally, remember that the very best sales people always display a balance of focus, and empathy.

Successful sales people are goal-oriented individuals who want to win business. But they are also people who genuinely care for their customers, and want to help them above and beyond closing the sale.

To demonstrate that you care about your customers, ask questions, take notes and lean in to show that you’re engaged in their answers. Be innovative in finding ways to help them with problems, even in situations that aren’t related to you and your business. Be sincere, because no matter how good an actor you are, faking it just won’t work. And take a genuine interest in your customers.

Because when you take an interest in people, they remember you – and when people remember you, it’s good for business.

The Bottom Line

More than ever before, buyers today are looking for trusted partners, with whom they can build long-term relationships. They want to know that you’re being honest, that you put their needs first, and that you really do want to help them.

The bottom line is, customers look at your actions, not your words, to see whether or not they can really trust you. So in every interaction with your customers, ask yourself: is what I’m doing right now enhancing trust, or eroding it?

In other words, ask yourself: if I were them, would I buy from me?

Dedicated to increasing your sales,


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