I’m sure you’re already thinking ahead to 2016. But, before you pull out the planning boards and strategy documents, don’t forget to first analyze your successes and drawbacks in 2015. Ask yourself key questions, answer them, and use those answers as building blocks for planning 2016. <– Click To Tweet
I want you to succeed and I want 2016 to be your best year ever. Here are several questions you may want to ask yourself to make that happen:
- What am I most proud of achieving this year?
- What is BLOCKING me mentally right now from being my best?
- What specific results have I achieved this year?
- Am I healthier, wealthier, and wiser and more successful? What actions or steps have I taken to lead me to these results?
- Am I winning, losing, or just holding ground?
- What results am I committed to achieve by the end of the year? What results do I want to achieve next year? (Write out these plans in detail)
- How have I grown and what have I learned this year?
- Who am I most grateful to?
- Is there any unfinished business that needs to be tended to in my life?
- What habits or behaviours do I need to change to ensure better results?
- What is the key issue that inhibits my ability to perform at my best?
- What am I willing to do differently that will change my life and profits?
- If money was not an issue…what would I do differently?
Notice how these questions acknowledge the good and absorb the lessons from the bad. If you had a great year, do more of what made you successful in 2015. If you had a disappointing year, don’t beat yourself up. Regroup, learn from your mistakes and take steps in the right direction.
What’s one thing you want to accomplish in 2016?
Make 2016 your best year yet by applying the in-depth strategies you’ll learn in Nonstop Sales Boom.
WoW! really interesting list of questions. Sure, I’ll do this
[…] Planning for 2016? Do This First. – The first of likely many planning for 2016 posts. A good one. […]