Make Your Voice Heard!

Participate in Our Poll!

Participate in the poll and see what other sales professionals are saying. Last newsletter we asked: Have your sales quotas for 2008 or 2009 been adjusted, given the current financial markets? Here are the results:

  • Yes, they have been lowered: 28%
  • No, they are staying the same: 36%
  • Yes, they are going up! 36%

Today’s question:
What’s your biggest challenge in 2009 to producing more revenue?

Register Your Vote and See the Results!

One response to “Make Your Voice Heard!

  1. It is interesting that either no one is worried about referrals or no one is spending money to get them. there are things you should do that will cost money that can influence clients to give more referrals. great way of generating more revenue in 09

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