Insider’s Access to My Session at the National Speakers Association

This month, I had the privilege of speaking at the National Speakers Association’s annual conference on the power of testimonials. The conference was in Orlando which, in the middle of July, is very hot and very humid. Luckily, inside it was cool and we had a great response to the strategies we discussed for increasing sales by effectively using testimonials.

And I’ve got great news for you! The session was recorded and so I’ve made it available to members of our community at no cost.

To learn techniques you can use to collect effective testimonials and use them in your business, just click below for the session recording:

Click here to receive your complimentary recording of “Unleash Your Secret Sales Force!”

Remember, in this recording, you’ll here specific techniques to increase your sales by learning how to request effective testimonials and use them to motivate your prospects to take action. Make sure you listen to the entire recording!

Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Dedicated to increasing your sales!
Colleen Francis

2 responses to “Insider’s Access to My Session at the National Speakers Association

  1. Tweets that mention Insider’s Access to My Session at the National Speakers Association | Sell More, Work Less and Make More Money by Colleen Francis -- says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by TopSalesExperts, moneyhours, Christian Pfaeffli, QuoteStore, JobShoots and others. JobShoots said: Insider’s Access to My Session at the National Speakers Association #news #sales […]

  2. Becoming Successful at Session Singing for FIlm, Tv, Recordings, Commercials & Interactive Games-business says:

    […] Insider's Access to My Session at the National Speakers … […]

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