Hong Kong is the fastest moving city I have ever been in. People are on the go every minute of the day. Racing from one meal to the next, and one appointment after another from what appears to be 6 in the morning to 10 at night. Every restaurant we have been to,
One way the city has devised to get people moving orderly and easily (and without cars) through some of the cities steepest terrains is with a massive commuter escalator that takes 20 minutes to ride from end to end. It’s the longest outdoor escalator in the world. This people moving HOV lane actually changes direction with the traffic flow. Taking people into the city in the morning, and back to their homes in the afternoon making it possible for them to walk to work in a neighborhood that would otherwise be impossible to walk to work in. Here is the operations schedule.
Are you making it this easy for clients to move around your business?
Service levels continues to outshine anything I have witnessed worldwide. And, I continue to believe that there are lessons for every seller in how to treat you
At lunch yesterday at the famous, and very local Mak Noodles, Chris ordered noodles with Tendon and dumplings. The Asian proprietor confirmed 3 times with our host that Chris knew what he was ordering. Saying at one point “is he sure he knows he is ordering beef tendons?”
The lesson? Better safe than sorry!
This proprietor did not want Chris to have a bad experience in his noodle shop. So rather than assuming Chris knew what he was doing he checked. There is no downside.
So… what is stopping you from asking more questions rather than making assumptions?
Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Boucles d’oreilles Juicy
The Sales Leader Blog by Colleen Francis – Part 1