Every Seller Has to Own the Story | Sales Strategies

I want to highlight an important coaching technique that you should be practicing with every single one in your sales team: owning the story. What do I mean by that?

I want every single manager and seller on the call to agree that they need to own the story they’re sharing with the customer. They can’t read straight from a PowerPoint deck or a generic success story script. They have to own it like they experienced it. They are sharing their own experience!

And, there’s only one way you can accomplish this: practice. 

Practice Through Video

In particular, given the prevalence of video now, video is indeed a fantastic way to practice your story or presentation. This is because a salesperson can record themselves and send it to their manager for feedback. Moreover, as a sales manager, ensure you are evaluating all aspects of the video your salesperson sent you. Ask yourself: is the lighting good? Is the background effective? Is the mic clear? How are they presenting and conveying the story?

Visiting a client in person can be challenging these days because of the various safety protocols and precautions. Thus, we must learn how to engage our audiences in a virtual environment.

I encourage you to try this at least once this week. Get feedback from your manager and put those ideas into practice. It will make you a top-notch sales presenter, which of course will improve your closing ratios.

One response to “Every Seller Has to Own the Story | Sales Strategies

  1. […] challenge yourself this week. How many customers will you talk to with your salesperson? What will you do with the information when you learn about […]

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