Can you be over prepared?

Q1 is always focused on sales kick offs. And as a result, you may see me soon in a city near you! I even managed to get home in Ottawa for a few days. Can you believe it only took a 3 hour flight to go from +26 C (80F) to -26 C (way too cold F)?  Conrad does not miss the cold weather and his winter jacket! This week in Toronto was a lesson in pre-emptive planning as we scrambled to find alternatives for my travel schedule lest we get stuck downtown in the snow storm and not able to make it to the airport! I think at one time we had 3 different hotels and 3 different flights booked. Just in case! I wonder what lies ahead for me next week in Saskatoon…..

In sales you can never be too over prepared. Your pipeline can not be too full. You can never have too many prospects or make too many presentations. It’s always better to plan for losing a deal, than for winning all of them.  Pre-emptive planning against loss means you will always have someone else to call on. A back up plan for hitting your targets. The best sales professionals are scouring there numbers everyday. They look for trends, spot successes and failures quickly and are always in a position to course correct. The worst thing possible for your business is to realize too late that you are going to miss your numbers. With 2 days left to go in the quarter, you might not be able to find new opportunities.

It’s fun for me to travel as I LOVE to work with sales professionals like you personally. In January and February we spend a lot of time helping professionals get clear on their  goals, developing  skills and creating accountability systems to ensure you keep on track. That’s why I am so excited out our announcement this year.

I know that many of you either don’t have sales meetings to attend, sales managers to coach you or systems in place to ensure your success. As well, many of you have not been able to travel to make our annual Sales Mastery event and want the content and accountability to help you succeed this year. And so finally, after many inquires (and requests) we have released our first ever Sales Mastery System Home Study Kit!

If you didn’t make last month’s webinar learning about the top 3 ways to make 2011 your best year yet, you must tune in to the replay at Not only will you profit from the ideas but also learn how we can help you exceed your goals from the comfort of your own home with this new offering!

Have a great month and thanks for engaging with us!

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

Colleen Francis

P.S.  It’s not too late! There is still time to join us today at 2:00pm Eastern for our 3 Must-Implement Strategies To Make 2011 Your Best Year YetWebinar! If you do miss it, don’t worry – you can still view the replay. Go now to:

One response to “Can you be over prepared?

  1. Tweets that mention Sell More, Work Less and Make More Money by Colleen Francis » Blog Archive » Can you be over prepared? -- says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Colleen Francis, moneyhours, JobShoots, JobShoots, JobShoots and others. JobShoots said: Can you be over prepared? #news #sales […]

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