Are You Being Selfish?

Thinking you own the client solo is a losing game. I’m tired of hearing sellers and account managers claim they’re keeping others out to protect the customer. The truth? Client retention and growth require a united team effort.

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So I am sick and tired of hearing sellers, account managers, client success people, territory managers, whatever you want to call yourselves, say that they own the customer and are actively working to keep others out of the account.
I know some of you think that you’re doing it because the customer doesn’t want to talk to anyone else while you’re trying to protect the customer from too many salespeople being involved.
But let me tell you this client retention and client growth is a team sport.
And in order for you to maximize the value of your customers to your firm and also maximize the value of your products and services to that customer.
And thirdly, in order for you to maximize your retention, you need to have eyeballs and participation from everybody in your business.
Your customers need to hear from the sales reps who closed the deal and were involved in the original implementation.
They need to know that the management team and the product expert team, or the implementation team or the data science team is interested, involved in making them successful.
They need to hear from you often, not just when the retention or their renewal is up, and they need to hear from your leadership at a senior level that they’re important to the business.
Only when you do that and involve all layers of leadership and all layers of sales and product or service expertise, do you maximize their retention, their growth, their value to you, and their value to themselves?

Don’t forget to check out: Don’t Count These Out!