You know as well as I that life is all about enjoying it. We work hard as sales professionals so that we can live a comfortable life.
However, far too many sales professionals enter these summer months with an extremely nonchalant attitude. They decide because “no one else is working” that they too should stop making calls and meeting customers. Don’t fall into this trap. People are still working during the summer and quotas are still being met.
In the speaking community, July and August are often cited as “the worst months” for business. Yet I often find those are my best months for speaking engagements! I openly joke with my colleagues that I see an increase in business because none of my competitors are even looking for work.
This is true in the sales industry as well. The best time to sell is when your competition is standing still. While you should always give yourself time to “rest” and “regroup,” never completely write off an entire season. The salespeople who enter the summer months with the wrong mindset are usually the ones who are complaining about their results at the end of the year.
Make the calls, book the meetings, and hit your targets, no excuses! You will be rewarded with greater profits. ← Click To Tweet
Don’t take the summer months lightly. By relentlessly chasing your targets when others are resting, you will find an increased number of meetings and greater sales results knocking at your door.
How much time do you take off during the summer months?
For motivating sales strategies you can use all year round, check out The Sales Acclerator.