What can a former Madam teach us about Sales?

Lots! – That is if your goal it to increase repeat sales, referrals and sell at higher prices than ever before! Sydney and I had a great conversation last week about the presentation she is giving in Ottawa April 28th at our Powerhouse Event. She will be discussing the customer experience and knows first hand how to create the right experience for your clients to keep them coming back and referring others to you. Specific ideas that all sales professionals should be practicing include:

Thanking customers

Remember special events, birthdays, holidays etc

Know that you are in the “experience” business. Not a product business

Create a mental movie about what its like to do business with you and then setting out to fix all the problems

Envision the sales process like a bridge and remembering that if a rung on the bridge is broken…the customer can’t get across to make a sale!

Yes these are simple ideas. But in my experience it’s the simple things that most often get passed over in sales. Why not learn the details of Sydney’s experience and apply it to your own business?

On Monday I was excited to see that our interview with Sydney Biddle barrows made front page news on the Ottawa citizen. You can read the article on line at the Ottawa Citizen. If you would like to hear my full interview with Sydney register fior the interview at Engage Selling.

Cheers Colleen