What are you doing differently this month to sell more?

Congratulations to Lead-Up! members Jennifer Kuta and David Jewell, and Powerhouse Sponsor Print Three for implementing “Selling in the Vortex” ideas they picked up at our 2nd annual Powerhouse Sales Seminar & Networking Event in May. I am so pleased that you took some ideas back and immediately acted on them because I know they will bring you more sales and more profits in less time!

What are you doing differently this month to sell more?

On the tail of our successful Powerhouse Sales Event last month, I’ve had several attendees approach me looking for additional development resources as they head into the summer to take their performance to the next level. I love that “hungry for more” attitude – a sign of the commitment that I know will translate into lasting sales results. So here is an idea for you.

The most common obstacle to success I see is a sales person’s unwillingness to change the way they are doing business now – even when that “way” is not successful. The old “well that’s just not the way we do things around here” attitude towards new and different ideas is the cause of more failures than anything else I see. Try this: rather than set a New Year’s resolution (which we all know no one ever keeps) set a “New Month’s Resolution” during the first week of every month. Commit to just one thing that you will do differently to improve sales. Just one thing. Each month. That’s it! How hard can that be? As an added twist, and for even more success, be sure to tell someone about your monthly resolutions. Having someone else hold you accountable for what you said you would accomplish this month is the best way to ensure success.

Dedicated to increasing your sales, Colleen Francis