Ready to meet your sales goals in 2010?

Are you ready for 2010? Do you have your goals written out and a plan put together? What about your sales goals for this year? Do you know how you’re going to reach those?

If you’re not sure, then you’re in the right place! You see, MY goal is to help all you reach YOUR sales goals this year. So, to help me do that, I’d appreciate getting your response to this question:

What’s your biggest question about how to sell more in this “new” economy?

Click here to let me know your question:
or just hit reply to this email.

And, on January 21, I’m going to be hosting a special Q&A call to answer all your questions. (So you can hit the ground running in 2010!)

It will only take a few minutes of your time. I’d love to get your feedback. Here’s that link again:

Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Dedicated to increasing your sales!
Colleen Francis

P. S. Feel free to pass this on to your friends and associates but make sure you take a moment and give me your questions first.