Race to the Finish – Achieving Your 2010 Sales Goals!

Wow! I knew that many would be interested in sharing the challenges to meeting their sales goals for 2010… But I am impressed and inspired by the response I’ve received to my survey question! I’m extending a huge thank you to those of you who have sent in your challenges!

I’ve gotten such a huge response that I’ve decided to try and address as many of your challenges as possible in a two part web class series (I couldn’t fit everything into one!):

Race to the Finish – Achieving Your 2010 Sales Goals!

Web Class #1: Picking Up the Pace – Three Strategies for Closing Deals Faster
Thursday, September 23rd at 12:00pm Eastern.

Web Class #2: Getting Your Second Wind – Finding New Deals that will Close Fast
Thursday, September 30th at 12:00pm Eastern.

You can sign up right now by clicking here: www.EngageSelling.com/race

This web class series is designed by you! I’ll be tackling the challenges to achieving your 2010 sales goals you cited in our survey.

If you want to avoid the furstration and heartache of working hard only to fall short of your goals, then you do not want to miss this series! By joining us, you’ll get two 60 minute web classes packed with strategies to get you to the finish line before the end of the year – all from the perspective of someone who’s had more than 20 years to put it all together. And don’t worry, if you miss a web class you’ll be able to get the recording…

Here is that link again: www.EngageSelling.com/race

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

Dedicated to increasing                          your sales!
Colleen Francis