1. Money is not the best tool to ensure your team hits quota, accountability is.
2. If your company is consistently not hitting their sales goals, it’s the sales leaders fault.
3. Both preventative and contingent coaching are required for the best sales results.
4. How a company communicates inside their organization and how they communicate outside to customers are intrinsically linked.
5. Your best sellers will leave despite how much money they are making if they do not feel their value is valued.
6. Your best sellers are the best resources to train the core of your team. Who knows better than your best sellers about what works in today’s market? <– Click to Tweet
And lastly, speed matters. Consumers expect immediate results once a purchase is made, and so the faster you can get your product in the hands of the customer, the better chance you have for customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business.
Here is an example: I arrived at the entrance to the Fairmont Vancouver Airport Hotel and was greeted at the airport by a bellman who asked my last name. He checked his list, confirmed my first name, and I got in the elevator to ride up 1 floor to check in. On emerging, I was enthusiastically greeted by name at the elevator! Ben handed me the keys and showed me the way to my room. No stopping, no checking in, in fact, there was barely a pause in my step. Not to mention that this was at 12 noon – 3 hours before normal check in! It took less than 5 minutes between arriving at the building to kicking my feet up on the bed. Brilliant!
How can you add that kind of speed and ease to your on-boarding process?