Is the Sky Really Falling?

The major news networks will have you believe that it’s “the end of the world as we know it” (thanks REM). Businesses are failing, the markets are collapsing and people are shutting themselves indoors to prepare for economic destruction. Well someone should tell the travelers! I just returned from a month of travel across North America and everywhere I went, from LA to Philadelphia, airports were full, planes were jammed and people were shopping, eating and drinking like never before. One could gather, just from the plethora of duty free and shopping bags alone that money was not a problem or a concern to anyone. My point is this, while some markets maybe suffering, the money is not gone from ALL markets.

Consider another example. Major news networks are reporting that the auto industry is suffering. That’s not 100% true. Auto industry blogs, news sources and company earnings reports show that while Ford and GM are languishing and losing money, Honda, Toyota, VW and BMW all are continuing to post sales increases, profits, and in some cases record sales.

People have money to buy what they want. They always will. If your sales are suffering I see that you have two choices. (1) Find a new market for your product (2) Revisit your value statements to be better aligned with what your current market really wants. It’s not about price. Cheap cars are not winning. Luxury cars are winning. And it’s not just cars. In September, Tiffany’s reported a 21% earnings increase on an 11% sales increase for Q2 this year. It’s not about price. It never is. It’s always about value. Or more specifically, the perceived value of your product to your marketplace.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,

P. S.  For those sales executives and business owners who really want to push themselves this year you must check out our exclusive new workshop in November. The Sales Mastery Workshop. I promise it will be an event that pushes you into your uncomfort zone creating immediate results, lasting success and a permanent increase to your bottom line. Early-bird pricing ends next week and there are less than 10 seats left so don’t wait!