I Have a Challenge for You

Happy New Year!

Are you ready for 2011? Do you have your goals written out and a plan put together? Chris and I had the opportunity to do that on our long drive down to Miami this past week. And just as we did last year, we have set our sights on continuing to grow the business to a new level.

Especially now that the economy is making its slow march back to recovery I hope each and every one of you are challenging yourselves: why can’t 2011 be your best year, ever?

If that type of statement makes you nervous or even shake your head in disbelief then stop. Year after year, members of our community hit new heights in their own sales – no matter what the economy does. MY goal is to help all of you reach YOUR sales goals this year. So, to help me do that, I’d appreciate getting your response to this question:

What’s your biggest challenge in making 2011 your best year ever?

Click here to let me know your question: www.EngageSelling.com/survey

And, on January 20, I’m going to be hosting a special Q&A call to address the challenges that are  holding you back. (So you can make 2011 your best year yet!) It will only take a few minutes of your time. I’d love to get your feedback. Here’s that link again:


Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Dedicated to increasing your sales!
Colleen Francis

P. S. Feel free to pass this on to your friends and associates but make sure you take a moment and give me your challenge first. www.EngageSelling.com/survey