Hot Off the Press: New Sales Stimulus Package Now Available

With the economy in turmoil right now, sellers everywhere are facing major challenges. I keep hearing stories about:

  • Stressed out, hyper-cautious prospects who are unwilling to meet or move forward.
  • Sales opportunities that grind to a screeching halt or disappear altogether.
  • Declining business from existing customers who are also struggling with the economy.

Now, more than ever, you need more high quality prospects in your pipeline.That’s why I wanted to let you know about the Sales Stimulus Package– a live teleseminar series created specifically to help you with the challenges of selling in a down economy. The goal? To stimulate your sales. To give you a massive dose of fresh, highly effective strategies you can use today & tomorrow to find more prospects and close more business.

Sales expert Jill Konrath, author of Selling to Big Companies, has gathered 13 of North America’s savviest sales gurus together to share their highest impact ideas & strategies. These pros were selected because their expertise is exactly what’s needed to build your pipeline and maintain momentum in today’s economy. Each one contributes a critical piece of the “success formula.” And, I’m honored to be one of the presenters!

The Sales Stimulus Package is an intensive two-week program that requires just one hour a day. It’s designed to immerse you in new approaches, concepts & skills. That’s the best way to have an immediate affect on your sales results.During these information-rich sessions which start on May 4th, you’ll discover:

  • Exactly what you need to create a full pipeline – quickly, despite the longer sales cycles and fewer buyers.
  • How to reach decision-makers on the phone and via email to get your foot in the door, even when their barricades are up.
  • Tools that sales experts use to make big-time impressions & rich connections with prospective customers. Get great advice on using LinkedIn, social networking sites, Sales 2.0 resources and online intelligence sources.
  • What it takes to capture the attention of busy decision makers and get a spot on their calendar.
  • How to ferret out the decision makers with power, so you don’t spend your valuable time with the wrong people.
  • Strategies you can use to speed up your sales, even when your prospects are slowing down their decision process.
  • How to quickly build relationships where you’re positioned as a trusted, high integrity advisor who’s committed to your customers’ success.
  • What deadly mistakes are causing you to lose sales and how to avoid them.
  • How to overcome sales objections and (even better) prevent them from happening in the first place.
  • And many more strategies to help you outsell the recession.

Plus, you’ll also get a chance to ask live questions and get answers from the speakers. Each one-hour session has 10+ minutes set aside for Q&A. The Sales Stimulus Package let’s you learn when it’s convenient without having to spend tons of money and time, traveling to a major conference. Go here to see all 12 sessions. Each session is recorded – so if you have a conflict, it’s not a big deal. Plus, you can listen to the experts over and over again, for the rest of the year – ensuring that you’re constantly at the top of your game.

This Sales Stimulus Package is your chance to learn from the best. Make sure to check out all the details & sign up right away. It will not be repeated.

Here’s to your success!


P.S. You can get 40% off if you act now. There are 12 information-rich sessions on how to get more prospects and more sales in tough times. Be sure to check them out