After a couple nights of melatonin induced sleep Chris and I are adjusted to the local time zones and full of energy to visit the sites. First stop today… the market areas of Kowloon. In this tiny but densely packed area we saw the flower market, the bird market, the kitchen wares market, the wet market, the night market, and what I can only describe as the “everything under the sun market”.
- Need a carabeener? There is a lady selling nothing but.. ( but I might not take them on an Everest expedition).
- Want some authentic pearls? You can buy them here in all sizes and shapes.
Me? I bought a few things as gifts just to practice my negotiation skills! As a consumer, here is the trick: you have to talk the seller down enough to feel like you got a deal, BUT if you talk them down too much the locals would say its not worth buying. In the end you could say that a win has to feel like it was a win for both parties.
This is no different than how you negotiate with your clients.

A win has to be considered a win by both parties. When a seller is happy, and the buyer is are happy, you have a successful sale.
Dedicated to increasing your sales,