Giving Thanks

I’m inspired this week by American Thanksgiving: we all have a lot to be thankful for.

I truly believe that sales is the very best of professions. We call the shots, create our own outcomes, are solely responsible for our income level and have ultimate control to structure our lives. Apart from being a skill we can learn, being successful in sales is a true blessing.

Today, please take out a sheet of paper or a journal and list all that you are grateful for in your life and in your business, from the smallest to the most monumental. (Do this now, please.) Spend some time reflecting on your list. Remember, what you are grateful for, you attract in greater abundance.

One of the things I’m thankful for is the amazing Engage community. Last week, a group of us met for the three day Sales Accelerator Summit in Miami. I was truly inspired by the group – their insights and enthusiasm! As I’ve said many times: it’s not just about learning new strategies from me, it’s discovering new lessons from each other.

The Incredible Team at the 2011 Sales Accelerator Summit

The team last week busily prepared their goals and sales plan for 2012. If you weren’t there, now is precisely the time to start thinking about what you’d LIKE to be thankful for NEXT year and set that as your intention for 2012.

Imagine being surrounded by people who champion you in reaching your goals. As you know by now, your mindset and what you believe is possible for yourself is 50% of the game (compelling and authentic sales being the other 50%). Make it a great goal!

If it’s a long holiday weekend for you, please travel safe and enjoy this down time.

Dedicated to increasing your sales,
Colleen Francis

P. S. If you weren’t able to join us at the 2012 Sales Accelerator Summit, you can still get exclusive access to the sales strategies and tactics we reviewed in Miami. Check out the Sales Mastery Home Action Kit. This 12-DVD plus workbook provides three days worth of my sales strategies and exercises for you to apply to your own business! Take advantage of our special offer till the end of November.