Avoid the End-of-Quarter Blues!

I woke up on Tuesday morning to 6 cm of snow in Canmore, Alberta. Beautiful in the mountains – where it belongs! Winter is here and that can only mean one thing. The Fourth Quarter push!

If not handled correctly relationships can be strained in Q4 as you try to get the “deal done” before the end of your commission year. Why? Because clients are tempted to hold back, see how things are shaping up for their own end of year and not want to rush a purchase. You often have opposite goals.

Most companies will lower your prices and offer incentives to “buy now” – only further training clients to wait longer to buy – and risk angering everyone else that bought at full price earlier this year. My advice? Tread with caution for the next 2 months; be creative, think long term, and don’t act hastily! Consider all the effects of your actions. Not just the short term relief of getting paid on the deal next week.

Over the years we have compiled a list of successful ways to get past this end of year blues. And, I thought I would remind you to revisit the article today. The list is complied both from my own experience and that of our own Engage community members. It’s relevant whether this is the end of your month, your year or any quarter in your businesses fiscal. I would love to have your ideas to add to the list.

If you have a suggestion that everyone can use to get past the end of the quarter blues and make sales, while enhancing your client relationships please share them with us – dd your comments below! If we use your submission on our blog, I will reward you with fabulous prizes!

Dedicated to increasing your sales,