An Exciting New Resource

I’ve been working actively with Jonathan Farrington at Top Sales Corporation for several years and find his resources, especially the Top Sales Experts a fantastic source of new ideas and techniques for selling. While I continue to hope you find great profit from being part of the Engage community, I encourage everyone to read and learn as much as possible from others in the industry. There are a lot of great ideas out there!

That’s why I’m so excited by today’s announcement from Jonathan and the team at Top Sales Exerts. At 3pm Eastern today, the doors open on the next generation of the site. And it provides you an offer that has the potential to save you thousands of dollars, increase your sales exponentially, and perhaps best of all give you peace of mind in the midst of a downward spiraling economy, massive budget cuts and increased sales quotas!

With access to articles, web and pod casts, forums, and other resources from a variety of sales experts, Top Sales Experts is something every sales professional should belong to…

I encourage you to go and read more about Top Sales Experts.
