3 Strategies for More Testimonials

RefreshBlogJuly8th As a salesperson, you are undoubtedly aware of the massive power that testimonials can provide you.

However, many salespeople struggle with receiving testimonials because they simply do not do enough to make it a priority.

Consider an individual who is trying to get into shape. They may buy all of the right food and even purchase a gym membership, however if they continue to order out every night and never actually go to the gym, their physical appearance will remain the same.

Many salespeople face a similar challenge with their testimonials.

They provide good service and have a great product. They even have the intention to receive more testimonials yet they are not taking the steps required to actually receive them.

Here are a few strategies you can consider implementing to create more testimonial success:

1) Build Requests Into Your Standard Process

The more you ask for testimonials, the more you will receive them. It’s a simple fact that many salespeople fail to grasp. One of the easiest ways to receive more testimonials is to ask each and every single one of your customers for one!

Be sure to consider an appropriate time frame for your request as you will want them to focus on providing a testimonial that discusses the (hopefully positive) results you have achieved for them.

2) The Second Request

Many salespeople will have no problem requesting a testimonial from their clients; however, they back off as soon as they don’t hear back. They assume that since their client ignored the initial request that all hope is lost!

Remember that your clients are busy professionals, just like you. If a customer doesn’t respond to an initial testimonial request, don’t hesitate to ask again. ← Click To Tweet

3) Reward The Effort

To be clear, I’m not suggesting paying or compensating your clients for insincere or forced feedback. Rather, you should be aware that your request for a testimonial will often get buried underneath a large list of more important priorities that your customer would rather attend to.

I would highly recommend providing a gift card to your client’s favourite coffee shop or bookstore as a small token of appreciation. Small rewards like these serve as sincere thank-you’s and often sweeten the deal for your customers.

Remember sellers – nothing worth having comes easy. Don’t expect clients to run to you with their testimonials simply because they are happy with your services. Being consistent with requesting testimonials and appropriately rewarding your clients will go a long way to achieving success!

What’s one way you create testimonial success for yourself?

Are you struggling with receiving testimonials? Our Sales Accelerator Program teaches you cutting edge strategies to create more success with your clients and your testimonials!