Why You Shouldn’t Close Sales

Did you just do a double take? Don’t close sales…isn’t that counter-productive to our sales success?

You heard me right. Salespeople should not be attempting to “close” sales with clients.

It’s all in the definition.

Closing is something you do to a person. While it may just be a term, the language is completely one-sided. It implies that you are going entirely for the win regardless of what’s right for the customer.

Salespeople who approach prospects with this kind of self-benefiting mentality are almost never successful in their long-term endeavors. Depending on their abilities and experience, they may, in fact, convince the prospect to do business with them, but long-term, mutually beneficial relationships are rarely ever fostered. This breed of selling creates the “pushy” and “aggressive” stigma that clouds our entire industry. It puts everyone, including well-wishing, value-focused salespeople at a clear disadvantage with prospects.

You want to instill a win-win mindset in your team. Your business hasn’t truly won unless your clients are gaining incredible value by working with you.

Sales closing techniques that have amusing terms or names are often methods that you should not be using.

For example:

1) The Puppy Dog Close
2) The Negative Reverse
3) The Silent Treatment

These methods of acquiring new business sound fun and alluring to use, but they are not putting the buyer’s interest first.

Consider switching up the language. Instead of using the word close to define successful business acquisitions, try using words like “facilitate.”

When you think about facilitating a buying decision, your mindset switches from a winner to a peer of the buyer.

The goal of a peer is to work with a client to reach a mutually agreeable and benefiting outcome. This method forces you to put value at the top of your priority list.

Think about the word itself. “Facilitation” means asking questions and working with someone to come to a reasonable solution. Therefore, a salesperson who “facilitates” is one who asks meaningful questions related to benefiting the client and enters discussions with everyone’s interests in mind. Acquiring this type of business, puts you at a better chance of creating business for life.

Remember, the idea behind changing your definition of success isn’t simply switching words in the dictionary. It’s about approaching prospects with a completely different mindset than many salespeople possess.

[bctt tweet=”The goal is to ascend beyond just a salesperson and to instead become a valuable business relationship.” username=”EngageColleen”]

What’s another method of ensuring that you provide value for your customers?

In order to successfully facilitate with a client, you need to develop the skills and expertise to properly execute meaningful discussions. Develop those skills with Nonstop Sales Boom.

2 responses to “Why You Shouldn’t Close Sales

  1. Colleen! Thank you! I’ve been an advocate of not using the term “close” for the past 23 years! Thank you for putting this into words. Your work here reminds me of one of my favorite posts surrounding this subject of customer-first sales: https://salesethics.net/blog/what-does-it-mean-for-salespeople-to-put-the-customer-first/ I’m so glad people like you and SalesEthics exist who are willing to plainly state the truth: It’s about putting customers first, building trust, and looking to provide unique value. THAT is what brings true, lasting success in sales! God bless – Jacob

  2. Many thanks Colleen for a great post and advice, always appreciated. — Barry.

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