Know the Different Types of Customer Value | Sales Strategies

Over the past few months, due to travel restrictions, companies have been conducting more and more product training sessions. I'm not opposed to product training, but it's critical that we don't pitch product features to our customers. Instead, what we need to do is transition product training into value training.


Don’t Coach Top Performers?

I've been working with executives for the last few years on sales coaching practices. I've noticed that many executives are on the fence about whether or not to coach top performers. Let me clear the air.

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Is Your Business Client-Repelling? | Sales Strategies

I recently referred a friend to my insurance provider. Disappointingly, when she called the insurance provider, the receptionist provided wrong information and told my friend that no agents were available to further assist her because everyone was working from home.


3 Truths about Selling to People

If you travel a lot with work—as I do—it exposes you to a much wider variety of ways that people experience the world around them. But travelling can also make us keen observers of human beings and how they do business with each other.

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Leverage Top Performers at Your Next Sales Meeting | Sales Strategies

   Here’s an idea for all of you planning your sales kickoffs or big sales meetings with all of your team present: rather than just having a number of outsiders come in and talk about their motivational, sales, or consulting principles, have somebody come in and interview your top performers.

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