Questions To Avoid

Believe it or not, you can easily alienate, disengage and confuse your prospects within the first few seconds of a sales call. How you open a conversation with a prospect can truly make or break your chances for success with them. Unfortunately, most salespeople start sales calls in ways that repel prospects and clients. It doesn’t matter if it’s during the opening, qualification or closing process, if you’re asking bad questions you will end up with bad results.

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Creating Profitable Sales Days

Your success is created by small daily efforts. While you likely won’t make or break your success on any given day, a series of successful days will result in positive sales results in the long run and a series of unsuccessful days will likely result in less than pleasing results. Therefore, it’s essential that you show up to work each day with a sense of purpose. Dedicate time at the start of your work day to make prospecting calls. To ensure that you maximize your chances for success, here are 8 steps you can take to increase your productivity and your results when making your calls:

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Maximizing Sales Call Efficiency

Cold calling can be tough for salespeople to master. The rejection, the awkwardness, and the flat out rudeness turn many people off from truly trying to create success with their sales calls. However, if you follow a few steps, you’ll be sure to get the most out of your calls and maximize your chances for success. Here are 6 simple steps you should consider taking note of:

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