Discipline Yourself!

RefreshSept9We are now in September. As much as you may not want to admit it, the temperature is starting to drop and the leaves are beginning to change colors. Before you know it, you’re going to start hearing “Jingle Bells” playing on your local radio station! Are you on track to hit your sales quotas for the year?

If you’re on pace to hit your goals for 2014, well done! Otherwise, now is the time to regroup and add some discipline to your sales game so you can end 2014 with strong sales results.

Gone are the days that salespeople could make a living by waiting for the phone to ring. Today, only the most disciplined salespeople survive, thrive and achieve success. Here are a few tips to help you add some discipline to your daily routine:

1. Maintain a Schedule

Get rid of improvised scheduling. Replace it with a structured business day in which prospect development and contacting clients are your main priorities. Fill in empty blocks on your calendar with specific activities that increase your prospecting efforts.

2. Embrace The Follow-Up

Follow-up regularly on all new leads. A vast majority of these leads, in my experience, aren’t ready to close until up to as many as seven follow-ups! Adopt a multi-step approach using several channels for leads (e.g., email, direct mail, social media, websites, e-newsletters). If you’re not currently following-up with your leads, you are likely missing out on many opportunities to increase your sales!

3. Push Harder!

Get in the habit of making one extra call, attending one extra networking event, and rehearsing your sales script one extra time. Whenever you feel as though you have done “enough” of a particular activity, push yourself to do one extra repetition. It’s the small things that often make the biggest differences!

Remember sellers, you must be disciplined in your daily sales activities if you want to achieve success. Incorporate these three steps into your routine and watch your sales prosper as we inch closer and closer to the end of 2014!

If you want to see noticeable differences in your sales results before the end of the year, check out my book, Nonstop Sales Boom!

What’s one tip you would provide to add discipline to a salesperson’s routine?

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